Wednesday, May 13, 2020

corona virus go away never come back

ive found that people are so strange .they start to believe something and then talk about it and in their
minds the thought becomes a truth. kind of like the prez does .if you say it enough it must be truth...

whacko nutjobs out there will believe just about anything if it fits their story line. conspiracy theories are abundant, transmission of covid 19 over the micro wave towers and ovens into everyones homes
are just small examples of what im talking i'm about to take a chance here and speak to the
truth, myself...this disease isnt even close to being over... thespanish flu came back with a vengance in the fall of 1918 and ravaged the world in 1920-21....bubuonic plague wiped out 1/4 of europe in the
14th century and 15th not all is quite as well as the prez sez....he is lacking in a lot of areas
brain cells, honesty and integrity and morality ... ah such trying times we live in..