Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Survival series

a few days ago, i heard about a terrorist trying to detonate a bomb of some sort on an airliner. this disturbs me deeply. there is a war out there and we americans are viable targets.

they want us dead. they want nothing more than to kill us. each and every one of us.

thats a bitter pill to have to swallow. what did i do to incur the wrath of someone i don't know? i paid my taxes, and their government received foreign aid from my tax dollars and yet they want to kill me? i don't understand the logic here.

i'm an equal opportunity bigot. i don't like anyone. i have been instructed to love my fellow man in the bible, so be it. i love you, but that doesn't mean i have to like you very much. if at all .

Dehydrated foods... i have a dehydrator, i wish i had two of them. yesterday i began dehydrating bananas . i dehydrate apples, i make dried beef and venison jerky when i get a chance . im learning about the process, im trying to dehydrate potatoes, but itsa long and hard process to do. it takes a lot of time to smoke meat and dry it . i have good recipes and will continue to dry my foods as best i can and place them in the emergency food tubs ive bought recently.

canned goods have a good shelf life of 2 to 3 years. that says to me i have at least that long to use them. what i fear is the united states will be attacked again by terrorists. and the big attack is coming soon. i have a good supply of water from a deep well. i have food ive dehydrated. boil some water and add some dried beef and let it cook for a while add a few vegetables and you have soup.. nutritious and it costs less than store bought, trail shop mixes that cost 12 dollars or so for a meal.
so you want to find out more go to usa dot gov, or . they can get you information, or could on everything from safe food prep to survival during disasters .. peace and a joyous new year to you..

Friday, December 25, 2009

survival series

okay. major storms this week across the usa, 63 percent of the country has snow or ice on the ground. a new record from what i was told. it brings me to a very important point. preparedness is the key to survival. a prepared person, keeps their head about them , they don't panic and they think it through. . .

my wife gives me heck until the lights go out and we have to live in a world where there is no heat, no light and no food, that is until i get the generator going, the woodstove going and pull out the emergency supplies i have in backpacks. then she's grateful she married a man that doesn't
feel the need to say the sky is falling the sky is falling.....

we lived seven days in our garage by the woodstove a few winters ago during an ice storm and blizzard that hit us and knocked the power out for 7 days straight
think of it as camping out. i said as the outdoor temperatures dipped down to below twenty degrees at night. we had a great time cooking and snuggling to pass the time away. . there was no way out. 25 inches of snow and ice made certain we stayed fairly close to the garage. we used melted ice to bathe in. a five gallon bucket in the shower, its exhilerating to say the least
ive lived in the cold areas up north, dug snow caves and cut igloos , ice fished and hunted
for game nearly all of my life, all my adult life at least.
new york, in the great lakes and finger lakes region, the cold weather capital of the country. ive been in michigan in the cold too. minnesota was a trip. and believe me, i was born in the midwest, raised there and saw animals frozen in their tracks there at 30 degrees below winter day. i felt the blizzard of 68 that hit the northeast, and lived to tell about it. brag just fact. and each time i make it through these things i know deep down that a lot of folks didnt... oh by the way merry christmas friends

Monday, December 21, 2009

Survival series

people ask me what is in a top notch survival kit

1. a compass

2. flint and steel and cotton balls

3. waterproof match box with matches

4. monofilament fishing line 80 feet eight pound test or spider wire

5. a good heavy duty knife capable of chopping wood

6. a small packet of fishing hooks of various sizes.

7. plastic drop cloth

8. 40 feet of nylon paracord

9. a disposable lighter

10. wet naps and sanitary hand cleaner in bottle 70 percent ethanol or better

11 . a small sturdy lock blade knife and sharpener (Diamondhone)

12. small bottle of grain alcohol

13. hatchet made of sturdy steel

as a hunter i always carry extra black powder, caps and patches for my rifle
a small tool kit and cleaning kit in an altoids metal box and a cleaning jag and spare
leather laces. i also carry a knife made from a hack saw blade honed to a razor edge

basic tools. basic necessities. nothing more , except food water and clothes

Survival series

yes its winter time and a major blizzard hit the interior areas of north carolina all the way up the
eastern seaboard. how many people died? more than needed to, i expect.

BLIZZARD means stay home, stay warm, have a backup generator so you have heat and
can boil water for coffee. . power lines go down. a generator can run your heater. install a woodstove and keep plenty of fire wood on hand.

travelling in a blizzard should only be done by emergency personnel. fire police rescue squad

if you get trapped, you can die quickly and they won't find you until the spring thaw. the buzzards circling overhead will show the authorities where your corpse is. . always carry id..
so they can identify your stupid ass when they find you

if you have to be outside, dress appropriately for the weather. shorts and sandals in 20 degree temperatures spells disaster. if you go out, layer accordingly . gloves, hat, sunglasses
these things are a must. stay properly hydrated. water is the fluid that is your antifreeze

do not burn charcoal indoors. carbon monoxide is a killer..... invest in a snuggly warm sleeping bag. get naked with a friend under the covers to share body heat

Friday, December 18, 2009

major winter storm

the south east, namely the carolinas was plunged into a snowy mess today at 11 44 am as snow and sleet began to fall. temperatures hovered around the freezing mark, signaling the first major snow event for this winter season.
i personally am going to put my quilted wooby on. so i wooby warm ...i'd advise others to stay indoors , 4 to 12 inches expected (says WRAL's weather geeks) lots of coffee , hot cocoa and keep warm . be safe...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

oops he did it again

mr. prez obama did it again. he fell into nancy pelosi's trap. he's gonna bankrupt us even more. here comes the war tax , thirty trillion more tax dollars for more big government. bigger isnt better
cancer starts small and gets bigger. doesn't make it good. i hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving and i hope you said a prayer to god giving thanks for all the good you have, and all the bad you don't , but will soon ...

survival series... im dehydrating the last few days. fresh fruits and meat.. jerky and smoked meats.. and whatever else i can preserve . theres a ring around the moon tonight. snow saturday???
i stocked up on corn meal , sweet potatoes, and tomorrow will begin drying spuds for mashies .
i got a dehydrator at the dump. sanitized it with clorox bleach, rewired it and got it working. . ive been jerking my meat (no pun there ) for a long time . i love it when it is ready to come...out of the smoker or dehydrator. ... so get ready for a hard winter. flour, meat eggs cornmeal, pear butter dried apples and bananas , its all good and good for me. now my wife brought me home a big bottle of lemon juice.. time to make some quicky lemon boinkers ...hope you live to tell about it...