Saturday, October 31, 2009

survival series

again its time to turn the clocks back one hour ... an extra hour of sleep? perhaps.. so welcome back to powderkeg, the rants and raves of a madman in a mad world gone nuts.

this episode is called the survivor series. one of many such episodes you'll see here in my blog.
i devote a lot of my free time outdoors, hunting, fishing and camping. ive been a camper since i was three years old, camping out for the first time in the rockies in colorado and around the ozarks. ive got pictures of my dad and me in colorado, doing outdoor wilderness stuff. it was a lot of fun learning how to survive in the wilderness , digging out a snow cave shelter at age six in the worst blizzard to hit the north east in recorded history , gee ive had a fun life so far. so lets talk about wilderness survival in the winter time shall we. its easy to freeze to death . hypothermia is a real bad way to die. frostbite is no fun. take my advise, if you don't know how to survive in the outdoors during inclimate weather, stay inside, stay warm, drink a lot of hot cocoa and don't go out looking to get hurt or injured. cold weather isn't for sissies or uneducated blowhards who think they can figure it out. it takes knowlege , know how and brains to figure out what to do, when to do it and where to do it, and not everyone can build an igloo in less than 30 minutes . it takes practice and patience to do it, like every outdoor skill . time is important and failure is
expected the first few times until you half frozen brain catches on. walk ten miles your pant legs frozen up to your hips before you attempt to try any of this outdoors stuff.

insulated rubber boots.... if your feet are warm the rest of you is warm. a lose 45 percent of your body heat from your head . cover up ... gloves they are essential. i suggest thermal gloves. handwarmers blow up too easily and can burn the daylights out of your hands,
so id vote no on them . in cold windy conditions. layers are what protect you from windchill.
outer layer needs to be a nylon windbreaker over a thermal layer over a fleece layer over a flannel layer . me i wear sweats and fleece over the sweats and then i have a nylon coat that serves as a winter coat and windbreaker with a wooby hat. i wooby warm

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Survival series

this year we've overcome some hard things and this winter will be a difficult one for all. the economy is down, gold is up , so buy small lots of gold in chains rings etc to ensure if the big one hits you can afford to survive. food is also something i urge folks to stock up on especially now since prices are rising , what ever you can afford. , dry goods , beans, noodles, freeze dried stuff, hickory and oak chips for smoking and curing meats , salt, another commodity and sugar , non dairy creamer, with venezuala and iraq buddy buddy, coffee might be hard to come by, stock up on it if you drink it. , freeze dried coffee, instant coffee , whole bean or grind...

hunters, buy ammo, if you can get it in bulk, buy it. ive learned to reload my own using hand poured lead cast bullets, i cast myself , gear up honchos, its gonna get worse before it gets better.
maybe i have got a good point to get across, if something bad happens, be prepared

Monday, October 19, 2009

survival series

survival foods. expensive , mre's costly. distilled filtered water...really expensive.. cold storage...hard to find unless you have a basement or a cave thats dry and has no mice or rats.

so here is the smart way to go..use your head. prepackaged foods can be placed in a sanitized
pickle bucket and the lid snaps down to keep it from pests . you can store freeze dried foods or
dehydrated foods in buckets as well and water, invest in a hand pump for your well and boil the
water as neede. distilled water, use a lengthof hose atop your pressure cooker ...viola distilled from
steam water... smoked meats such as beef and fish are fun to make and provide fast protein

proteins fats and carbs, water and air are what the human body needs to survive. invest in a smoker. i did and i'll have jerky for years and years to come oak hickory , pecan make the best smoke ..look on youtube for how to smoke meats or go to the library and read a book

Monday, October 12, 2009

today is monday and its late at night and my heart is heavy and im praying for the family of a

police officer that was shot last week and died this evening . i send them my condolences and

urge others to remember them in their prayers.

im not a racist. but , this is a case of a black perpetrator killing one officer, and shooting

another . the perp was shot fatally negating the need for a trial. saving the taxpayers a lot of

money for housing, feeding , clothing another criminal in the jail, a lengthy trial, a public

defender, and other costs...i see the perps family is trying to raise funds for his burial, and i

feel sorry for them, but i wouldnt contribute to their cause not one single dime...

all too often criminals kill innocent people or police officers doing their jobs. the perps ex was

the intended target for this man's anger. i cant say i understand this man's despair because

he intended to kill her, i believe , you dont carry a gun without the intent of using it.

i carry a gun, the hunting kind, and this crime reflects on all legal law abiding gun owners.

news like this, gives the anti firearms gun grabber fodder...

again my prayers go out to the family of the injured and the slain officer