Friday, August 14, 2009

Saturday August 15th, 2009

its 130 in the morning here in central where ever it is .

whatever time it is where ever it is you are i hope you are happy..

friday aug 14th at o5:09 am

black powder hunting is also called muzzle loading or flintlocking. i prefer

to hunt with my percussion ball and cap sidelock rifle , a fifty caliber rifle

using a patched .489 round ball . it is the bare essence of hunting and it has

put a lot of good meat on my table . i tried the plastic sabot method of this

type of hunting, but the plastic does a bad number on the rifling of the gun,

so i've gone back to the cloth patch and beeswax method.

my recipe is this:

1 5 oz bar of beeswax

2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil or olive oil

1 ounce of lanolin

when melted down i can lubricate my patches and bullets

also its a good idea to heat the oil first to boil off any water that might be in it.

i carry my patches, pre lubed in a tin taken from altoids. the mints i eat to disguise

my breath and they sub for a smoke ,,,

i measure out my 80 grains of pyrodex, and pour it in the barrel . then i put a moistened lubed patch

over the muzzle and place the bullet on top and seat it in the muzzle and then ram it home, with even

pressure until the ball and patch are seated atop the powder in the bottom of the barrel. then i cock it

and place the percussion cap onto the nipple and slowly let it down to half cock position and im ready

to cock it and fire it at a moments notice when a deer walks by me . i use the iron sights to aim and aim

just behind the notch in the shoulder behind it and up an inch and slowly pressure the trigger until it

drops onto the cap and the gun goes boom. usually the buck jumps and runs a few feet and drops down

onto the ground and kicks as it tries to get to it's feet but cant . then it twitches and kicks for a bit and

then it's all over for him.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Take a lesson from practical experience . there is no better camouflage than to be able to

hide in plain sight and not be noticed...

today is wednesday, august 12th and its going to be hot and rainy later in the day.

check out

also check out the high road. com

the more someone forces their own agenda onto you, the more you should be skeptical about it

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Survival series

Survival series part one. trying to make it in the middle of the wilderness

I got the best book on survival in the wilderness . It the best book on being

prepared . it shows you how, gives you good advice and lets you learn on your own

its the old boy scout field manual . learn to start a fire, cook a meal, hunt down grubs

and spear fish . tells you how to navigate by compass and the stars. it teaches leadership

and it gives you the beginnings of a moral compass. the bible is the other guide you need .

Thursday, August 6, 2009

the real world

Recently i saw in the ng adventure series about how to survive just about any thing . i was not impressed.

i mentioned it to someone and they said they had read it as well and commented on how well written the article was

but said they missed the point of survival in real life situations except for the article on avalanches. I had to agree.

but seriously folks, survival depends more on using your head than having a backpack full of gadgets that probably

wont work worth beans under stressful conditions.

being out in the wilderness is hard to do. it takes brain power to learn to adapt to a place other than your favorite

chair watching football on a monday night.

learning how to build a fire using a flint and steel is not in our genetic makeup. knowing what to do when you come

face to face with a bear doesnt come from watching the tube. you have to use your noggin. learning to use a

compass is easier than using a new fangled gps system. sure they are nice (and expensive) but they dont work

when the battteries are dead and you forgot to bring spares...

i went out and learned from my mistakes. i nearly lost my life on a hunting trip because i almost forgot to do two

things. try an ice storm in the mountains in april. i made it because i figured it out, kept my cool and found

adequate shelter in time...

peace and love