Tuesday, March 16, 2010

judge not lest ye ..

soon ill be a criminal , that's the government for you, you mindless sheep. you wanted change and your stuck with it.

ive always considered myself a good person, i love my wife, and my family wherever they may be
no matter if i happen to like them or not. i do love them. I thank my parents for giving me a good
Christian upbringing, despite their faults and shortcomings, and i would like to say that in time
id be more thankful for understanding more than they gave me credit for.

so im going to be a criminal. and i cannot stomach the notion that I'm being forced into having to go this route, but what can i do?

the new rules, as the government has dictated to us is we have to have health insurance. If we
don't have health insurance the a fine will be accessed against us for not doing so.

A thousand dollar fine.... thats a lot of money to us. we live from paycheck to paycheck, just barely able to put food on the table, pay the electric bills, the taxes we owe and the mortgage.
and now they say NO INSURANCE? Pay up this fine of a thousand dollars. its a crime not to have insurance now. look i pay car insurance, home owners insurance and the highest tax es for gasoline in the country, well almost the highest taxes , anyway. Im disabled and can't work. I wish i could go back to work, and then maybe i could afford health insurance . but what job would have me? i cant stand for more than a few minutes, i can barely breathe at times, and i
have days where i cough all day and night long for days on end. its called emphasemia and its
not a joking matter.
maybe the tobacco companies could pay the fine for me. but i doubt they will. addiction to nicotine is the worst possible thing to have to kick. ive tried a hundred times to quit. the patch the gum, the new pills. nothing works for me. but smoking isn't the only cause. ive had bad lungs since i was a teenager , the problems went undiagnosed ( misdiagnosed )as allergies for a long time. now they call it copd.

so im going to be guilty of not having heath insurance. big deal right? i wonder if it will be a felony????

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