Thursday, March 25, 2010

disagreeable yes...

Okay it's finally happened, a shot across my bow (on my imaginary boat) . Just because i might
disagree with some people over political things does not make me a terrorist. I have an opinion
just like everyone else has an opinion, but to stoop so low and call me a terrorist? that takes a lot
of nerve... I think government has gotten way out of hand and only serves itself, not the people of this great country as it should. the "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality and you're a terrorist because you believe in things i don't agree with is off base and absurd. is that the best you can come up with??? next I'll be labeled as being Un american, because i am a firm believer in rights and responsibility and our constitution and bill of rights. I also agree we need to be safe and secure, but there is a reasonable and practical way to be safe and secure without being delusional or paranoid about it. keep your slander and slurs to yourselves. im a patriotic person. i served my country, right or wrong. thats what matters. bye

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