Monday, March 29, 2010

stories from my past

I have to say im sorry to a lot of folks. in my old age, i tend to forget what is important to people
that i care about.

had she lived, my moms birthday was yesterday. she died from cancer. she died from cervical cancer and now i know why. she got a virus. a very bad virus. thats all im going to say.

there are carriers of this virus. be kills...

stories from my past

Survival series

I was asked to republish this by a person i love and trust.

Lose your rights in ten easy steps

1 elect self serving politicians into positions of leadership
2 forget about going to the polls on election day because your vote doesn't really matter
3send your children to schools that have a mindset that free thinking and self expression are wrong, and civil rights is a thing of the past.

4 continue to allow school administrations that allow police free access to student records and parental records , the ability to question those students without benefit of counsel or parental consent.

5 allow congress and senate to pass sweeping legislation and then say its for the good of the public, because we all know they know whatis best for us.

6 forget to attend public meetings to voice your opinioon on crucial issues that affect you, your
family, community, or state or nation,

7 continue to let health care administrators make life and death decisions on behalf of people who have no advocacy or voice in thier treatment, because they know what is best for all of us...

8 allow big business to form "Public policy" and create new laws and regulations to protect their Assets . after all the top one percent of large corporations have gotten to the top by providing services to the public, honestly, without corruption and fairly. right?

9 always believe what the government tells the meadia

10 believe what corporate controlled media puts out on the public interest.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

disagreeable yes...

Okay it's finally happened, a shot across my bow (on my imaginary boat) . Just because i might
disagree with some people over political things does not make me a terrorist. I have an opinion
just like everyone else has an opinion, but to stoop so low and call me a terrorist? that takes a lot
of nerve... I think government has gotten way out of hand and only serves itself, not the people of this great country as it should. the "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality and you're a terrorist because you believe in things i don't agree with is off base and absurd. is that the best you can come up with??? next I'll be labeled as being Un american, because i am a firm believer in rights and responsibility and our constitution and bill of rights. I also agree we need to be safe and secure, but there is a reasonable and practical way to be safe and secure without being delusional or paranoid about it. keep your slander and slurs to yourselves. im a patriotic person. i served my country, right or wrong. thats what matters. bye

Monday, March 22, 2010

hunting accidents down for 2009

hunting accidents were down in 2009 according to national statistics . 219 accidental shootings resulting in 19 deaths. not listed were accidents involving other means, accidental falls from deerstands, animal attacks, and the run of the mill accidents such as falls, broken or sprained ankles or cuts using an axe or hatchet or knife, something I'm well aware of since i did have an accident slicing open a milk jug full of ice for an outing which resulted in three stitches and a cut artery in my thumb.
this year, the season starts with turkey season in a few weeks . turkey hunters are a different breed from deer hunters, we're quiet, stationary and have to be careful, not shooting at anything
that moves. we are a serious bunch. alcohol plays a large part of unreported accidents. hunting and
drinking dont mix. never have and never will. i know a few drunkards who hunt. not on my land...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Survival series

how it won't work... this health care plan

you want to buy a car. okay. you pay a thousand dollars a month and a thousand down and you can pick the car up in four years..

that doesnt sound like a good deal to me.

so they don't have to vote on it. thats a new one on me. yeah force it down our throats mrs pelosi
its a bitter pill and youre the princess of addled brained dc .

make me a criminal , come on. i don't have it dont want it and youll fine me a thousand dollars because i dont but you better be able to make the charges stick. what will the charges be

failure to be able to afford health insurance. Being poor. ??? why dont you buy it for me mrs pelosi? you can afford it.. Paah...go away your'e a nuisance

spring gobblers

april 10th , a day that will be a lot of fun. a whole weekend of turkey hunting in the mountains
near here. my health has improved over the past few weeks and the doctors all have given their official okey dokey as long as i stay in good condition. walking exercising and using the treadmill
have helped. ill be staying in my camper and ill have to take it easy, sort of slow and easy, but if i die there , it wouldn't bother me one bit. i look at it like this. I've lived a good life up until last september when i got sick. ive had good days and not so good days and some days where i could barely move. but i have tried to keep a positive mental attitude. each day i reach a small goal in order to go on to the next goal. then again ill have others with me and things will go a lot better for me because one of them will be a doctor i invited. ....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

judge not lest ye ..

soon ill be a criminal , that's the government for you, you mindless sheep. you wanted change and your stuck with it.

ive always considered myself a good person, i love my wife, and my family wherever they may be
no matter if i happen to like them or not. i do love them. I thank my parents for giving me a good
Christian upbringing, despite their faults and shortcomings, and i would like to say that in time
id be more thankful for understanding more than they gave me credit for.

so im going to be a criminal. and i cannot stomach the notion that I'm being forced into having to go this route, but what can i do?

the new rules, as the government has dictated to us is we have to have health insurance. If we
don't have health insurance the a fine will be accessed against us for not doing so.

A thousand dollar fine.... thats a lot of money to us. we live from paycheck to paycheck, just barely able to put food on the table, pay the electric bills, the taxes we owe and the mortgage.
and now they say NO INSURANCE? Pay up this fine of a thousand dollars. its a crime not to have insurance now. look i pay car insurance, home owners insurance and the highest tax es for gasoline in the country, well almost the highest taxes , anyway. Im disabled and can't work. I wish i could go back to work, and then maybe i could afford health insurance . but what job would have me? i cant stand for more than a few minutes, i can barely breathe at times, and i
have days where i cough all day and night long for days on end. its called emphasemia and its
not a joking matter.
maybe the tobacco companies could pay the fine for me. but i doubt they will. addiction to nicotine is the worst possible thing to have to kick. ive tried a hundred times to quit. the patch the gum, the new pills. nothing works for me. but smoking isn't the only cause. ive had bad lungs since i was a teenager , the problems went undiagnosed ( misdiagnosed )as allergies for a long time. now they call it copd.

so im going to be guilty of not having heath insurance. big deal right? i wonder if it will be a felony????

Monday, March 1, 2010

march 1st

its been a long winter here with cold and ice and snow. 45 days until turkey season starts here and i have been getting ready for the season. although i have a cold as of this morning, coughing and other cold symptoms, i shoould recover quickly i hope. i worry about pneumonia though, with copd (and bronchitis ) i hae to be careful. thats all for tonight..