Friday, March 20, 2009

hot shooting

hi its me once again. today was a nice day after a bad storm overnight. today is march 20th 2009 and it's about 4 pm.
i took my 44 caliber black powder pistol out and target practiced with it for an hour earlier in the day. I had a great time shooting hot loads at the target. i make my own targets using my paint program on the computer. im not a quickdraw or anything like that, but i do strive for accuracy when i shoot. i also get my bullet moulds from england. from jeff tanner.

just tell him bob sent you. he specializes in round balls and cannon balls. imagine that. Ive bought 3 molds from him in the past few years and ive never been disappointed by any of his products

i didnt do too bad. i scored ten shots at 98, nine in the x ring and one low in the 8 ring. the low one i pulled down on for some reason. anyway it was fun to get outside for a bit...

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