Monday, March 30, 2009

greetings all, im ill with rotavirus. terrible cramps intestines feel very bad. tired, spent all day in bed. it only gets worse

Saturday, March 28, 2009

today is officially sunday march 29th. its 12:20 pm est and it's been a few days since i blogged. this weekend has been a mess, the weather yesterday was foul cold and rainy. today its supposed to clear as high pressure builds in. 12 days remain on my timetable for my trip to birkhead. come join me hunters, it will be an interesting time. i can guarantee it almost. as long as good weather holds out. ... so, chek out tradrag . com. its a great site to meet people and win prizes ... most folks there are knowlegable and can answer any question you have on hunting traditionally like i do. its a great place to go.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

raining for 4 more days here

it's spring, yes its spring, the dandelions are popping out the pear trees are budding and its going to rain again. ...well today is wednesday mar 25th at 2:40 pm local time and i went to town and started my netting projest in earnest. i have 4000 feet of heavy duty thick thread and will complete the weaving of the net in 5 days. it takes me twenty minutes for each row and the net is sturdy enough to be used as camouflage netting for hunting. my spellcheck is still on spring break, but you can't spell either so i wont worry to much if i flub a word.

wow it's really gotten cold out. yesterday was a great day to be outside, but today its all changed. the forecast is for rain the next 4 days. im cool with it. so let me get back to my nets

peace all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

greetings readers, another dayhas passed and more unanswered questions from the prez . imagine a world where people actually answer questions about the economy without the
hedging around. the american people realize the economy is in the toilet mr prez and it will take time to straighten things out, we understand that. what we want to know is whats being done about it. you mince too many words for me. you dont provide answers to simple questions . and quit saying you inherited the problem for god's sake the democrats had everything to do with this , and your denial and lack of character is wearing thin with many of us. myself included.
stop trying to point the finger of blame . it doesnt work and we aren't buying it. congress is to blame, democrats and republicans are to blame and you dont have the wisdom or experience to see beyond your own ambitions... enough is enough. you stand there and smile at the cameras
and do nothing. a man would be worried if he were in your shoes. its a major disaster and its only going to get worse unless you get the right people to make the decisions, because clearly, you are a beginner at this and your lack of experience is leading us down the wrong path. my advise is this. let a few banks fail. don't bail them out. . prosecute the greedy bastards who are responsible, toss them in prison , take everything they have and make them pay for the damage they've done don't reward them with bailout money, dont let them whiss and moan because bad thing will happen to them , while they are cheating the taxpayers of this country and stealing
us blind. . take action. that's why some people elected you. do your job.

Monday, March 23, 2009

monday already...

hi all its monday and the date is march 23rd, 2009. its bright and sunny out and its a good day. breezy 60 degrees outside. the count down is on. ...i can barely wait. gobble gobble gobble.

18 days... and counting. ive got to get the dehydrator out and make some goodies for my trip.
dried apples, jerky and maybe something special. .. yup im crazy. i getto make this trip three times a year. opening day bow and black powder season, opening day rifle for deer and opening week turkey in the spring. ive been busy getting it all together ove the weekend. today ill work mainly on my blind. it would be nice if i had one of those pop up blinds for concealment, but in the interrim ill use what i have. . . sorry my spellcheck has gone to florida for spring break...

so that's pretty much it for today . unless the good lord decides to take me. I'll be back soon, and report on the progression of the week. god bless neal bortz, michael savage and others who dare speak the truth about the obama regime and their ilk

Saturday, March 21, 2009

writing as my way

i love to write. im working on a series of stories. WSHTF stories. and a crime drama. its funny that sometimes the stories write themselves a lot more than i create. i resist the temptation to make the love scenes obscene, but more believable, but there are secrets that even i dont share.

im also thinking about an adventure of two young people brought together by circumstances beyond their control in the late 1700s , and i've pieced together some of the family history to draw upon. it is fun to figure these things out on my own using my imagination to fit the intricate pieces together in to a story that's fun to read and believable.

now lets get serious. its saturday march 21st and its 112o pm here . today was a long day but i had a lot to do. i spent the day in carrboro, checking out townsends for gear for the trip in less than two weeks coming up. i decided to haul my own water in and not buy a purifier or the clorinated hydroxided tablets. they sell for an arm and a leg, so be it. i did get a pretzel at katies and a great cup of coffee. the elmo's crowd was loud and obnoxious as they always are. ive never seen so much phoniness in all my days.
at weaver street, i was assaulted by obama maniacs trying to get a petition to ban al firearms. i pointed out to one of the maniacs that i didn't support obama or any of his ilk. she about went ballistic on little old me. what was i? a criminal??? screw you lady.

any way i got us home and cooked beef stew for dinner. home made with fres vegetables using shank steaks . yum

Friday, March 20, 2009

hot shooting

hi its me once again. today was a nice day after a bad storm overnight. today is march 20th 2009 and it's about 4 pm.
i took my 44 caliber black powder pistol out and target practiced with it for an hour earlier in the day. I had a great time shooting hot loads at the target. i make my own targets using my paint program on the computer. im not a quickdraw or anything like that, but i do strive for accuracy when i shoot. i also get my bullet moulds from england. from jeff tanner.

just tell him bob sent you. he specializes in round balls and cannon balls. imagine that. Ive bought 3 molds from him in the past few years and ive never been disappointed by any of his products

i didnt do too bad. i scored ten shots at 98, nine in the x ring and one low in the 8 ring. the low one i pulled down on for some reason. anyway it was fun to get outside for a bit...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

my goodness its been a lovely day, sunny, warm and breezy. today is march 19th, 2009 and its 1:38 pm and ive had a busy morning. i took my lab to the vet today for her rabies shot. shes in fairly good health except shes got worms again. ewwww!

so anyway. i 've written about politics all this time. my wife wants me to call a truce. okay. i said. if obama does something good, ill mention it here.-> nope, nothing,

im pretty much geared up for my trip next month. food, tools. etcetera... today ill check my ammo and pack it for the trip. ive been working on a new thin. a cloth sabot for my black powder rifle. the sabot will hold #2 shot, a turkey load. . i patch bullets, .488 round balls for it. it's an experiment, for sure. but hey you have to use what the good lord gives you to get what you need.

penny, my lovely wife took the day off for personal reasons. she's gone to town to the library. shes taking a professional writers course at Duke u. always looking for the education, im proud of her, very proud. she wants to use the library's high speed internet. we are so far back in the sticks we are victims of dialup isp...

so its about my naptime. yes i take a nap sometimes. it keeps me from being grumpy and grouchy. ... yeah right..

i'll do more later this evening. and if you see my brother jeff in the seneca south carolina area, kick him in the shin for me.. he'll figure it out.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

im back ... its now thursday at 1206 am. lets talk turkey .

im planning a trip in april around the10th through the 15th, to the birkhead mountain area not far from here. I'll set up camp, get things together and go hunting for turkey on the opening day. birkhead mountain is a lovely place in the uwharrie national forest . its really wilderness , wild and untamed and i have spent many a day and night there during deer season the past few years. i like to hunt. it gets me out of house and out in the fresh air, and it takes my mind off the everyday mundane things. my worries seem to disappear when im out there , even if i don't see anything, its worth the effort. yes im still sick, but ive decided that i 'm not going to give up yet. while im there i can pan for gold, and dig for rubies if i am so inclined, i once found a few arrowheads near hannahs creek, much to my surprise . ive already started loading up my gear, just a few things i may need to
get me through a 5 day trip. food, water, and sundries..

my people were pioneers, a lot of folks cant make that claim. my family headed out west settling in the midwest, amidst indians and unknown dangers in the pre 1800s . my family tree tells
me that my first ancestors here in this country came to virginia and immediately moved west after the revolutionary war was over {the Ford side of the family} . the other side of the family were fleeing the potato famine in eire (Ireland) later in the mid 1800s. I remember writing the story of the pioneers in school when i was in living in new york and my teacher didn't believe a word of it. sorry teacher, i wasn't a fresh off the boat, looking for a place to hang my hat kind of kid, i was an original american, with roots as far back as the revolutionary war, my people fought and died for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. that was more than any of my class mates could say. one of my ancestors died in a battle during the french and indian war. a brother of my direct descendant it seems.... my point is i have a claim to this country, a claim to this heritage and a claim to its future.
it's my birthright, and bought and paid for with blood sweat and tears.

so i guess you can see now why im so angry, so bitter and disillusioned about things going on.

a long time ago the railroads built up and joined the east and the west. the railroad company set two trains and moved them across the country back in the 60s to commemorate the meeting of east and west. i was at the ceremony and held the gold spike as they drove it in . i was a part of the history , just another kid , but i was the one they picked.because i was there , i had the birthright,
the heritage and the history to be a part of it. my picture was in a lot of papers across the country
the next day. my name was there. i was the kid holding the gold railroad spike. i was proud to be an american that day and for many days to come. i think i was five years old at the time. and i'll tell you something, I made my parents proud that day. now look at me... over fifty, no job no hope, sick, and the worst thing of it all, my heart is broken to see my country in this sort of shape.

America needs to wake up, dust itself off and get back into the game . We've got to pull together as a nation. there are people out there that want us dead, and they are not, I repeat , not going to
stop until they try to succeed in killing us. As ugly as that might sound, its the truth. If you don't
believe me, ask osama what he wants to do to america . he wants us all to die. We need elected officials who have backbones , We need a president who thinks before he acts, and by the way mr. obama, you really should have thought it through before you handed over millions of our tax dollars to AIG and the other greedy bums in our midst. and the appropriations bill you passed, full of pork
bacon and lard, another mistake. You've failed us twice now mr president. if you were working for my company, i'd fire you as being incompetent ... but that's just me. i didn't vote for you so i can't blame myself . You are accountable now. but i'll have to be honest about it. i don't think you are wise enough to make the right decisions . you haven't made any good choices that i can see so far. why should you change????
greetings all. today is march 18th 2009 and its 10 pm local time. the sun came out again today but it was foggy and dreary again this morning. today in the world the sun came up and went down. congress says aig needs to return the bonus money or they take it from them...looks like the government is no longer here to serve the people, but make demands on the people. it was our money used in the bailouts. i think the people that approved the bailout ought to be the ones to pay. not the taxpayers. they are responsible arent they? or was it. "it wasnt my job" or "It
wasn't on my watch" ... yeah go ahead and point the finger at someone. ive already expressed myself using a finger . Yes im an american, im unemployed, unemployable because of my age and my health. And i get nothing. I don't collect unemployment, i don't collect disability, becuse i don't want to have to pay some blood sucking greedy lawyer to get disability . so you see where i am, i can't buy health insurance either, so go figure.My health, i have copd, emphasema or something like that. i smoked, yeah, i should have quit years ago, i cant walk like i used to. i have to use a chair when i go shopping and maybe this will be my last year on this earth. i may live ten more years but i doubt i'll want to . but i fight every day, hoping and praying for something that will help me along the way. i dont want a handout. just a hand every now and then.

so young people, dont waste your lives on cigarettes, booze or other things. eat your spinach, say your prayers and keep your guns close by. haaa. obama said we cling to our religion and our guns. yer damned tooting buddy ...

when its all we have between life and death, i'd rather have god and my gun at my side.

so i guess that makes me a bad person... wrong answer. i never set out to hurt a soul in this world, and ive done some good, helped poor people when they needed it, fed people when they didn't have food, and ive given money to causes, public tv, cancer research, and have never asked for one thing in this world but some peace and quiet every now and then. Ive watched over the past years with concern, ive seen a lot of bad things and a lot of bad people. ive seen em come and go. my point is this. some people are downright evil. some are as mean as a snake.
for all the good it does, im glad i got a chance to blog. i wont be famous. i wont get rich, but hey. i like rc cola, i like mcdonalds double cheeseburgers and bo jangles biscuits. since i don't drink alcohol. i cant reccommend anything along those lines. ciao

Monday, March 16, 2009

wrapup of the days events monday march 16th

here we are at the close of another day . the economy is obviously in ruins, the president made promises he couldn't keep and the congress should be horsewhipped. on the brighter side. i connected with a few friends on facebook over the past weeks and was surprised to find out how their lives had turned out. after 34 years of being out of touch, i found some of it refreshing.
one of my daughters died fifteen years ago today. it has been on my mind, off and on all day. felicity margaret would have been a beautiful young lady had she survived. she was killed by strep B, a killer of newborns. i've always imagined that my days would have turned out a lot differently had she and her sister ariel had survived. Ariel died on my birthday October 23rd, a year later from strep b as well. its a nasty bug that attacks the newborne and it kills or seriously damages them. maybe it was god's plan that they didn't survive. I do not know.

aig and bonus money

it seems to me the insurance industry is controlled by greed. aig wants to pay bonuses to those that have caused the system to fail. BOGUS ... so have you ever tried to reach a settlement with an insurance agency? i bet you had to hire an attorney didnt you. why? because the insurance companies aren't there to pay out money for claims. they are there to rip you off. the more money they take in, the richer they get. and by law we are forced to have coverage if we drive a vehicle.. again forced upon us by legislators, lawyers judges and the legal ilk. legislated without a single thought to how we, the consumer are to pay for it.

listen, our economy is in bad shape. unemployment is up, prices are up, the oil companies take advantage of us. and out there the politicians are in the pockets of big business. the new president promised change, but he signed a bill recently with so much pork in it that i feel like I've been lied to. go figger... me , I've lost my job, can't seem to get hired in my field and my
health has suddenly changed. after you hit fifty, these things sort of sneak up on you and bite you in the ass, and i dont have health insurance because i can't afford it. and i didn't recieve any unemployment benefits because i left my job under circumstances which don't allow me to recieve benefits. travelling six hundred miles a week for work was hard on me, the gas tank and my budget.


Hi this is my blog . I call it the powderkeg, because there are many issues that are explosive these days. The bailouts, the bonuses, the way we live, what rights we'll give up to be safe, the illusion that government will provide for us and knows what is best. i offer my insights into things. And while i would never presume to be correct about these issues we face, i feel like someone needs to say something. Given the circumstances and the rhetoric we have to endure I believe its time to grow a pair, get a voice , and say something.