Friday, November 13, 2009

Survival series

grouse, prairie chickens, rabbits, , wild goats and feral hogs, id like to explain what is good to eat in the wilderness. lets face it. if you're out there lost, sooner or later you are gonna get hungry.
weve dealt with shelter, the smaller the better. weve dealt with water purification, using sand and wet grass and charcoal layered in a soda bottle with 2 layers of each. and weve discussed building a fire to stay warm and shelter to stay dry. food is the last thing you really need to worry about. but
now its time to talk about food. you need to conserve ammo , make each shot count. meat is protein
and its what your body needs. to maintain good health. . . sick animals should be avoided. fish is good to eat. squirrels are tasty, but you'll starve to death fast by eating only squirrels . dove, a bird is good to eat, so you don't have a firearm? find a stick a curved one will work and throw it. make sure it has some bulk to it. snares can snag animals. fishhooks and line are easily carried in the container in your survival knife... don't ell me you don't have a survival knife... buy one. a large knife can do more than a small knife include chop down a tree , a survival knife made out of 420 steel with a saw on the backing, a compass and a little kit for fishing line and some hooks in the handle is the way to go. look at the boyscout fieldbook read it and learn . practice what you learned and put it to practical use outside in the woods. learn the plants and trees. learn how and you'll make it pilgrim... my ancestors were the pioneers that crossed this country looking for land, water and freedom . its in my blood. later

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