Tuesday, May 28, 2013

tonight i want to comment on the libya coverup. it is a cover up and people need to go to jail because of it. as well as the guns to mexican drug dealers.. mr obama , you were responsible

new tv shows ..are you kidding me???

No one in their right mind cares about these new reality shows, especially about big time lawyers and prosecutors. they are all whores , bought and paid for and all they do is give lip service (reads blow jobs)
to judges who are incompetent lawyers themselves.  yes i have no respect for the legal system here in this country. it may be the best system there is, but too many times the little guy (me and other joes) gets screwed. ive been screwed by the system and by incompetent lawyer.. one who used a weather forecast  , and a case back in the 1840s by honest abe to do what they called res judica, already been decided ...im a paralegal and i see the hypocrisy, judges who are drunk, on drugs , or just stupid

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

the big one

Yeah, i know i havent been writing anything lately.. so who cares... i care.. lol i taught 4 classes between hospital visits this past winter. i do this for free. skils ive learned, how to build a fire, the bamboo saw method, flint and steel, bow and spindle, you name it i can do it,,, water purification, not a problem,
food gathering,  hunting, cooking, building interesting snares and traps. im the all around outdoorsman.
im building a new survival rifle from scratch on the forge, a black powder rifle . i like clanging the anvil as
it ticks off the dope dealers next door to me... they dont mess around here for fear of getting shot, or the dog....lmao..  Im starting a new class, on saturdays on the square at southern village in chapel hill. only this class will cost each person a twenty dollar fee.. i got to pay for my gas... 5 days of outdoor skills, hiking, fishing, and all included trip into the swamp....

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

survival series 2013

   please pardon my absence. my health took a bad turn at christmas this past year and i spent some time
in the local hospital . luckily i survived another round of  antibiotic resistant flesh eating bacteria. i got a scratch by my dog on my leg and it became severely infected within hours..so its february, 2013 and its the second month of the year. its cold outside and once more, people are dying from hypothermia due to the lack of fuel oil available for indigent and needy people who are unemployed or just broke and cant afford heating oil or firewood to stay warm this winter. me , im broke, no job, no benefits, at least i had health insurance which ran out at new years so my bills at the hospital were covered, all but 6000 dollars.
i continue to get better, despite the cost of meds for my illnesses. i have yet to hear from family..no surprises there.  and i have plenty of firewood and a generator. i sold off the hulk of my wrecked truck
for scrap and any usable parts for 200 bucks, that got me a few gallons of gas for the generator. in all it could have been worse...but i continue to pray for health and help as needed. yeah i know not many people care, the local demos in the gov here are against helping republican gun owners who believe that the usa is heading in the wrong direction , especially concerning gun control...we have enough laws...not
enough police , and too many sickos that already have guns ...