Saturday, January 29, 2011

survival series

this particular blog goes into detail on gear.

gear i carry when i camp

hatchet or tomahawk
fire starter kits -2
nylon cord- paracord 40 feet
coffee kit
utensils fork knife spoon
spare clothes
radios 2 way
spare batteries
heavy duty knife
fishing line- hooks- sinkers-3 bobbers =2
clothes, 2 spare pairs of socks washcloth and soap unscented
food kit, us boyscouts
sleeping bag,
fleece blankets-2
rifle .50 caliber with 60 rounds , powder caps and patches
shotgun .410 with rifled slugs and #4 shells
pistols .22 pistol with 50 rnds . -44 with caps and balls powder
gun tool kit- chocolate box...
food... assorted foods, jerky, dehydrated foods. etc.
H20 a necessity
bush axe
razor sharp knives 3
plastic waterproof tarp 10 x 16

Thursday, January 27, 2011

survival series

my tomahawk, made by shrew is an valuable tool . i can cut meat with it, chop wood with it
and use it to defend myself. my brain is a powerful tool as well. with it i can covey messages, write tidbits that stimulate and cause people to give action.

my black powder rifle is a tool. it provides me with food for my table over the long winter months. Deer, rabbits, squirrels, possums, beaver, and game birds just to name a few items.
i also have a shotgun, or two..makes life interesting...

ive embarked on two projects, building a bow and building a boat. the bow is more time consuming. the boat floats and gets me from point a to b with a paddle or my electric motor.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

survival series

more deaths attributed to sub zero temperatures ...

in this day and age no one should die from hypothermia. no one should freeze to death.

me, i worry about pneumonia more than anything. i have no heat besides a little space heater to keep me warm, when i use it. the electric company charged me 548 dollars for the privilege to
keep my lights on. gasoline is 4bucks a gallon here plus. and its only going to get worse. the warmest ive been all winter long was yesterday at the doctors office. us older folks like it warm
so i go to the library to get warm. imagine having to bathe in cold water. its a shock, but hey i want to be clean. that is when the pipes aren't frozen up. I'd live in my truck and ive been working on a radiator for the camper to heat it up if im forced to spend the night in it. ive got a good sleeping bag that needs some sewing. the worst case is dying alone and unloved and worse s deep in debt i owe more than i have.

you have a nice warm place, i live in an unheated trailer. the fire marshal says i cant use my woodstove any more, because it's not up to would take me a year to redo it and about three thousand dollars to put a new roof on this place and bring it up to code.. im lucky they don't condemn this place.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

survival series

In this day and age, having a car emergency kit is a must have, including road flares , emergency blanket, first aid kit and fire extinguisher. especially since this past week there have been ice and snow storms in 49 states . i also include a sewing kit in my gear bag and a knife.
i also have a hammer device that can break out a window, it has a pin for puncturing deployed airbags, and a light and razor to cut off seatbelts,,,
so there is black ice on the roads.. its dark out and you have to go to the advise, stay home. call a friend who lives close to the store and ask them to do it for you. a good friend will help you out, slip and fall, break a bone. not so fun is it. ?
if you drive and hit ice turn into the skid and hold on. hospitals report more cardiac arrests and kids being hurt during snowy weather. cardiac arrests from old guys shovelling the driveway, and hurt kids, teens especially who do stupid things in the storm, like walk out on pertly frozen ponds and fall through the ice... peace and stay warm...

Sunday, January 9, 2011


this writing is about Nomad, a man that wanders the highways and byways from mexico to

Jake Archer pulled into the dusty gas station and pumped thirty dollars worth of gas into
his truck.
"Prices are terrible," the old coot behind the counter said to him. "Where're you headed
"Music festival down south" Jake said.
"its about ten miles south of here."
" I reckon it is," Jake said. Here's fifty. I'll want a bag of ice, water, a case , and a loaf of
that there bread, please.
"Comes to thirty eight fifty," the coot said
Jake got his change, the case of water, the bread and the ice and loaded them in his camper.
he rode off to the south coming to the fairgrounds and paying 30 bucks to camp for the three day festival.
he sliced some bread, and made the sandwich and drank a cool water down as he listened to the music coming from one of the stages. . he got in the camper and checked the water tank. full he washed the dust off his face and locked up, heading to the jams.
he lit a smoke and relaxed on the grass. listening to a bluegrass group and tipped his hat
down to ease the glow of the sunlight . After a while he headed back to his camp and set up for the night, starting a small fire using some hickory and oak pieces he'd cut a few days ago.
setting a pot of water on to boil, he made coffee and poured most of it into a camouflaged thermos. the rest he sipped until it got dark out, and he settled in for the night.
He awakened at dawn, rolling out of the camper and headed to the food vending tent
got a decent hippy breakfast for a dollar and a quarter, consisting of fried egg , a half strip of bacon and some sausage wrapped in a flat bread. he drank his own coffee and headed to the jonny house to take care of his biz. when he returned to the camp, he saw three kids playing
by the stream, naked as the day they were born. two gals came down to watch the kids and they too got naked, much to his delight.
"Hippies," he said smiling to himself. He cut some dead wood from the trees area and
stacked it up and poured himself a cup of joe from the thermos.
some guy walked over to his camp and waited beyond the edge of it for a minute

Jake bade him to come over.
"Dude , that coffee is smelling righteous," the long hair said.
Jake poured him a bit into a tin cup he had carried in with him and told the guy to sit down on the log. jake fixed another pot of coffee up and shared with the man.
"You're the one they call the nomad," the hippy said.
"that'd be me," Jake said. You got a problem?"
"No sir," the man said. My name is Cyrill . I caretake the farm here. I been told you're
good people by some folks. So if i need your help i know who to come to. You enjoying your
time here so far?
"i heard the band practicing some yesterday when i pulled in," Jake said. They sound even
better than they did last year."
"They have had a lot of miles to practice on," Cyrill said. You were here last year?"
" i stopped for a day on my way to mexico," jake said. I was taking a break from the road and the guy at the gate let me sleep the night. A friend of a friend, so to speak.
I see you paid for your spot this time. " Cyrill said. It's cool. we let a lot of wanderers come in anyway. otherwise they'd sneak in through the back. its all cool here..
We make money on the rich kids looking to have mellow time, " Cyrill said. so we don't
go broke.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

happy new year all

Okay so ive not been here for a while, nothing new to report due to a snowy christmas here in the midlands of north carolina. i didnt hear from family so i guess they were too wrapped up and didnt give a damn as usual .

survival depends upon three things.. the first thing is training to be able to do it, second
is practice doing it. third is having goals worth achieving and thats pretty much it.

round cookie boxes painted in camouflage can be used for a variety of things. i store my firestarter kit in one and small tools and other things i can use, hooks line lead weights
a small but sharp knife, and cotton bolls to light a fire with . i also carry a small amount of hand sanitizer alcohol based to help .

fish hooks can save your life. they can snare a fish and rabbits and squirts . i also carry pre-
packed loads for the muzzle loader rifle, in one tin. lead , powder , caps , flints and steel.

a good map , laminated with clear plastic can keep you on the right trail ..grease pencil
and camou creme ..i like it like that

joseph had a coat of many colours. my coat is black green and tan and gray and brown.
imagine that. check out the merlin operation online . want scary dreams. it'll give them to you

finally , i hope everyone makes it past may 21st of this year. i got a bad vibe about that date for some reason...something i heard...
and to the sob who stole my tomahawk out of my truckbed. your days are numbered . i got you on video, you little rat bastard...